What Secrets Do Strong Women Never Tell Their Men?

Mira Sajjan
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2023
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

Remember that strong women don’t treat their men as rehabilitation centers. Sharing your ‘everything’ may destroy your partner’s mental comfort of being with you!

As I spent a couple of years assisting a divorce lawyer, after achieving my Batchelor of Laws. There, I learned and identified some important factors of marriage disputes.

Also, my 10 years of marital relationship gives me the expertise to point out 7 secrets strong women never tell their men. Here they are:

1. Any childhood physical abuse.

If strong women have experienced any kind of physical abuse of any form, they don’t tell or explain it to their partner.

Rather, they contact a medical consultant if that trauma exists in their mind.

It’s obvious that the victims are innocent of such offenses. But your man may not be mature enough to deal with it normally. The human mind can be very complicated sometimes!

2. Previous relationships.

Strong women don’t share things from their past relationships.

If you share your wonderful memories, then your man may think that you are not over yet. Also, that may bring insecurities into his mind about his love in your life. If you share any terrible memories, then he may judge you.

Stop saying lines like, ‘My second boyfriend was a damn good kisser,’ ‘My first boyfriend never valued me,’ etc.

So, avoid saying anything about your past relationships!

3. Any negative traits of their parents and their family members.

Newly married couples find them perfect for a few years and love to share everything. But I have seen so many marriages fail because of telling negative traits of their parents and family members.

Never say negative lines like, ‘My mom is so greedy,’ ‘My dad is such a womanizer,’ ‘My brother is a porn addict,’ etc.

In case of quarrels and disagreements, later on, your man may use those abusively against you!

4. How they were insulted or bullied.

Strong women would never tell their men how they were bullied or insulted once. Telling it to your man is like giving him a clue.

You never know, with times he can become manipulative, controlling, or a bully himself and use those against you.

So, keep it a secret!

5. Any sin committed in their past.

Well, this one is complicated. We are human, not some sin-free angels.

If you have committed something wrong in your past and feel sorry for that, go to your church for confessions. Telling about your past sin to your man is not a good idea.

It’s guaranteed that God will forgive, but your partner may not!

6. They never say no to any of his gifts.

Women with powerful personalities never say no to any gifts from their men. Also, they never criticize the quality and the quantity of the gifts. They accept it happily with wide smiles.

God naturally made men to be the protectors and givers of their families. Allow him to buy things for you.

Respect your relationship and value ordinary things!

7. They never say insulting words.

Even when strong women find their men behaving objectionably, they don’t use insulting words. They sort it out by discussing without blame and shame game.

Remember, it’s impossible to take back the words you say once!

Thanks for reading.



Mira Sajjan

A Creative Writer. Passionate to write ~ Life Experiences, Self-Improvement, Parenting, Spirituality, Lifestyle and Travelling | Contact: mirasajjan@gmail.com