What Should We Do During Our Darkest Moments?

Focus so we can see the light (and shorten our tunnel).

Matt Hogan


Photo by Kasuma from Pexels

“You’ll never see the light at the end of the tunnel if you don’t get in that tunnel.” ~ Matt Roe, via MoveMe Quotes

Most people imagine the light at the end of the tunnel—and the heavenly sights it might reveal. Few venture into the tunnel in pursuit of that light. Fewer make it far enough in to catch a glimpse of its shine. And fewer still make it to the end and realize the heavenly sights that the light reveals.

What might that light reveal? Stability, health, wealth, popularity, freedom, success? Different things to different people. But generally speaking? It represents a better life situation than the one they’re currently in. It’s the finish line at the end of a marathon. It’s the oasis that’s found from trudging through the desert. It’s the heavenly escape from some kind of perceived hell.

See what most people don’t realize about these types of tunnels is that they aren’t outside in the world to be found—they’re inside awaiting our arrival. The light that you drive into as you exit a tunnel in your car doesn’t do anything for your life. It’s the tunnel that you have to traverse inside that reveals the heavenly light of your desires.



Matt Hogan

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at matthogan.blog.