Morning Routines

What Successful People Do Before 7 AM

The power of early hours for ultimate success

Alp Arslan


Photo by smug from Midjourney

Hey there, friends! Let’s chat about something we all have in common — mornings. But not just any mornings, we’re talking about those golden hours when the world is still snoozing, and the sun is just peeking over the horizon.

You see, there’s a secret club of folks who’ve discovered the magic of the early AM, and guess what? They’re absolutely crushing it in life.

So, grab your favorite mug (yes, the one with the chip in the handle) and let’s spill the tea on what these early risers are up to.

They actually get up (no, really)

Alright, step one is a doozy: they get out of bed. And I’m not talking about the stumble-to-the-coffee-maker kind of up. These go-getters are wide-eyed and bushy-tailed while most of us are still cuddling our pillows.

But it’s not just about dragging yourself out of the duvet dungeon; it’s about waking up with a purpose.

Quiet time for the mind

Imagine having a moment of peace before the day’s hustle bustles in. That’s what meditation or quiet time does for these successful sunrise enthusiasts. It’s like giving your brain a mini-vacation every day. They sit, breathe, and let their thoughts do a little waltz before the music speeds up.

Sweat it out

While we’re dreaming of winning the lottery, these folks are already hitting the gym, jogging, or doing a sun salutation or two. It’s not just about getting fit; it’s about waking up their body and mind. Think of it as shaking up the snow globe of your brain to get all the glitter moving.

Breakfast: the fuel of champions

Skipping breakfast is a no-no for this crowd. They’re all about fueling up with something that’ll keep their engines running until lunch. No cold pizza or stale doughnuts here. They go for the good stuff — fruits, oats, eggs, or anything with a bit of green in it.

The daily game plan

Ever seen someone who looks like they’ve got it all figured out? Chances are, they’re morning planners. They take time to sit down and sketch out their day like a treasure map. Goals, to-dos, must-meets — they get it all down so they can hit the ground running.

Feed the brain

While we’re hitting snooze, they’re feeding their minds with a good book, a podcast, or maybe a quick lesson in something new. It’s like taking your brain to the gym for a quick workout with the weights of wisdom.

Heartfelt moments

This might surprise you, but these early birds often spend a few moments connecting with loved ones or jotting down what they’re thankful for. It’s about starting the day with a smile and a heart full of gratitude.

Why the crack of dawn?

So, why all this fuss about doing things at an hour when even the birds are rubbing their eyes? Well, it’s quiet, there’s no rush, and the rest of the world is still under the covers. It’s like having a head start in a race every single day.

Crafting your own morning magic

Feeling inspired? Here’s how you can create your own slice of morning wonder:

1. Start tiny

Don’t go setting that alarm for 4 AM just yet. Start by waking up just a smidge earlier and see how it feels. Baby steps, folks.

2. Make it yours

Your morning should be as unique as your coffee order. Find what tickles your fancy and run with it. If you can’t stand the thought of jogging, maybe stretch a little or just dance around in your PJs.

3. Stick with it

Consistency is key. Try to do your new routine every day. It’s like building a castle, one brick at a time.

4. Tweak it

Not a fan of how things are going? Change it up! Your morning routine isn’t set in stone. It’s more like playdough.

5. Patience, grasshopper

Great mornings don’t happen overnight. Give it some time, and don’t get down if you hit the snooze button once (or twice).

Wrapping it up

The secret to a successful morning isn’t locked away in a vault. It’s right there for the taking. It’s about making the most of those early hours to set the stage for a kick-butt day. So, consider setting that alarm clock a bit earlier and see what wonders await you. And remember, the snooze button is a sneaky little gremlin that wants to steal your success. Fight the gremlin. Win the morning.

Here’s to creating your own morning magic and finding success before the rest of the world has even had their first yawn. Cheers to that!

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Alp Arslan

Writing about freelancing & personal growth. Let's grow through stories!