What Taking A Cold Shower Every Day For A Month Taught Me

Tavian Jean-Pierre
Published in
9 min readApr 6, 2021


Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

After learning that hot water would not be great for my new skin condition. I ventured to motivate myself to have a cold shower. It was something I did not want to do. But it was the only way I was going to get better.

I figured that if I could handle cold showers, the cooler showers I would have to take would not feel too bad. So I did what anyone else would do when trying to find an excuse to do something. And that was researching the benefits to incentivize me.

Upon typing cold showers into the YouTube search bar, I came across Matt D’Avella. His video resonated with me because of his responses to taking cold showers. Especially his introduction to the video when he exclaims, “It is the dumbest thing he has ever done.” I felt like that too.

After hearing what he learnt from it, I decided to take the courage to do the same. But I needed one more extra push. I had to be sure that cold showers were not going to kill me and at least had some benefits. To my surprise, both were true.

The benefit that applied to me was the reduction in itchy/irritated skin. However, it came with much more. Things like increasing your circulation, giving your skin a healthier glow, and even helping with weight loss.



Tavian Jean-Pierre

Founder of the Better Conversations Podcast | Inspiring a better future | Thought leadership in the topics of innovation, economics, and entrepreneurship