What the Heck Makes the Rat Race So Hard to Escape?

The brutal reality that keeps us mediocre

Mentalcodex | Julfi


Image By Author (AI generated—Midjourney)

Do you know what humans and crabs have in common?


Fill a basket with crabs and see what happens.

In theory, it’s easy for any one of them to escape.

In practice, none can.

Each time one tries, the others pull it back into the basket.

ALL of them could be free.

But the majority have given up on that idea.


They refuse to accept their inferior position to the point of undermining the chances of success for the entire group.

“If I can’t have it, neither can you.”

The average human’s existence isn’t far away from those crabs trapped in the basket.

7 am, wake up.

9 am, work until lunch break.

6 pm, return home, and mindless activities until bedtime.

Their monotonous existence revolves around the fleeting anticipation of thin holiday windows,

eagerly awaiting new TV shows and video game releases,



Mentalcodex | Julfi

I write about power dynamics. It's implication in your life. And how to get the most out of it.