What the Shoes are Saying About Coronavirus

Paroma Sen
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2020


Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

The closet door was partly open. Three pairs of shoes lay side by side, clean and smiling up at the new rays of sunshine of the early days of spring.

Arthur Tennis Shoes, Anna Louboutins, and Joey Swim Shoes were a family, and looked forward to summer every year — long lazy days of intense outdoor sports, and warm balmy nights of dancing and socializing.

This year though, something was sharply different.

Joey: Mom, what’s happening? It’s been five days since the season started, and I am yet to be taken out and readied for swim events. Are the humans losing track of time?

Anna: Joey, this year is different. I heard them talk about something called Corona. It is somehow preventing them from going out.

Arthur: Yes. Tennis is something they never ignore in the season. This Corona thing is scaring everyone. No one is supposed to go out except to bring food and medicines. They are calling it “essential needs” only.

Joey: Dad, aren’t we essential to them? Aren’t we important?

Anna: Joey, sweet child, of course we are important. But…

Tears fall from Anna’s eyes.

Arthur: Yes Joey, we are important to the humans. Don’t you see how they are sitting around moping without being…



Paroma Sen

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”