What to Do After Publishing a Book

And why they’re important.

Noah Nelson
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2021


Photo by Stephen Phillips on Unsplash

You’ve written your book. It’s published with your name on the cover. You’ve done everything you can to promote your book. You’ve sold a fair number of copies already.

Now what?

Here’s what you should after publishing your book:


You’ve done something only so many people in the world have done. You published your own book!

Why wouldn’t you want to celebrate it?

Treat yourself to whatever you like: three scoops in a sundae, a nice Whiskey Sunrise or even take yourself out for a nice meal. Whatever it is, do it for you!

You worked hard. You need to reward yourself.

Promote the Heck Out of Your Book!

Now that anyone in the world can buy your book, it’s time to let people know about it.

Share your book in any way you can. Post about it on all of your social media platforms. Tell everyone you know and strangers on the street. Whatever you can do to let others know about your book, the better.

Your first book isn’t going to fly off of the shelves, but if you promote it well enough, you will sell a fair number of copies.



Noah Nelson

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alum | Author of “Life: A Collection of Short Stories” and “Dana and Me” | Featured Writer on ILLUMINATION (23x).