What To Do When Insane Thinking From Days of Madness Returns

so that it does not drag me back into it all again

James Boylan


Photo by Sergi Kabrera on Unsplash

“I don’t wish death to people who disagree with me anymore — serious injury maybe but not death. So what’s the problem?”

The problem is that thoughts are THE most powerful ingredient of our entire makeup. When I get a negative thought about anyone or anything, it has a cost. This is a cost that I am no longer willing to pay.

This is coming from someone who used to get sight pictures of people who I disagreed with. A sight picture is what one sees when looking through the sights of a firearm.

Step 2 states: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Step 3 states: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

My world was one that was filled with violence and anger and this is what I knew.

When I finally started believing Step 2 and looked at my Higher Power as something completely different from the punishing, judgmental tyrant I had thought that God was, I turned to Step 3 and said “Take me, God. I surrender!”

Since I had had so many years thinking so negatively of God, this was not easy. The…



James Boylan

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.