What to Do When You Find a Fawn?

A newborn fawn “abandoned” in the backyard.

Hunter Cabot


the newborn fawn in our backyard — photo by author

A Baby Named June

We woke up at sunrise on June 1st, and carried our coffee out to the back porch, ready to settle into our chairs and enjoy that special time of day. I find dawn and dusk to be so magical, and our remote property often gifts us with glimpses of wildlife

As the morning light overtook the gloom, and shapes were no longer just shadows, we got the surprise of a lifetime.

There was a tiny fawn nestled in the clover not 20 feet from the deck.

At first we thought it was a rabbit… just the tips of its ears were visible. It suddenly lifted its head and we were startled to realize it was a very tiny fawn!

Whispering to each other, we hustled back inside to view it from behind the glass, very aware that the mother might get spooked if she was near enough to see us.

We shot this video through the French doors, as the baby perked up and decided to relocate under the pecan tree while it waited for its mama.



Hunter Cabot

A slice of pumpernickel adrift on a sea of Wonderbread