What to Write About When You’re Not an Expert in Anything

There’s one thing you can always tap into

Melissa-Jane Nguyen
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

Feeling like I wasn’t an expert in anything or that I wasn’t good enough was what held me back from writing. I’d start to write on a topic but then question what I really had to offer that hadn’t already been said before — and by people who knew way more than me.

The truth is, there will always be lots of people who have more experience than me on almost any given topic.


There’s one topic I know more about than anyone else, and that is myself.

My experiences and my life are unique. It’s not like I grew up in a travelling circus, had a pet Zebra and could quote every single word of Pride and Prejudice before the age of 14.

My experiences are of the everyday variety.

But, what I have been through combined with my thoughts and my responses in regards to my life experiences, all equate to things I can tap into and use when I write.

Embrace your experiences

The truth is that writers aren’t always experts in what they write about. That’s why journalists, in particular, often speak to sources who are experts or study scholarly research to back up their point.



Melissa-Jane Nguyen
Curated Newsletters

Writer and editor. Writing about parenting, writing and life. Working on YA novel. Tea drinker. Book lover. Wife. Mother. https://melissajane.substack.com/