What to Write to Actually Get Views and Followers

Don’t write anything real or raw.

Silver Moon
5 min readOct 4, 2020


Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Where change happened

December of 2019 I had this feeling that 2020 was my year. Finally, after 25 years I finally feel this is MY year. I wasn’t sure what I’d find or really what would happen or how it’d be my year. When COVID hit my basic life changed. I then realized I’ve been settling for less. Less than I want. Less than what I deserve. Ivan B. has said it best in one of his songs, having less than we deserve it our thought of happiness.

With that, I told my fiancé we no longer settle for less. I asked him what do you want to be if you could be anything in the world no judgment what would you pursue if you had the opportunity and chance. He is pursuing his love for gaming. He has started his own YouTube channel and twitch and guess what he loves what he does every day. He is on the start to something incredible all because I believed in his dreams. He is going into tournaments for thousands of dollars because he is really just that good. He is getting kill streaks of 20s to 30s and crazy snipes.

Then I made the choice to pursue my heart. I always knew I was going to be a writer one day. I have started a book before I even made the choice to become a writer. I did what I did best, research.

Research has shown me

With everything in life, I research it looking at everything I can find. When I first started my YouTube channel and writing I was reading and watching others who have gone and done it before me, which only makes sense. I started watching videos on how to start a YouTube channel. I was reading how to make so many figures by writing. The how-to, months and months researching and growing by others. Realizing that people make a living on just the ‘how to’ material.

That realization actually pissed me off. How to make $50,000 by writing. How to get 1,000 subscribers. So many titles about how to be successful on these platforms. It wasn't that these things don’t work per se it was just that seemed some people found that it worked to bullshit their way through life completely. People that don’t know it all but make it seems like they do. Or that they actually went through what they say they do in their writings or videos.

Start of something new

I started my own YouTube channel and blog website. I had so much fun doing it and still do. My fiancé and I have also started a YouTube channel together. I’m not bull shitting this shit is not easy. I have been doing it consistently for 5 weeks and have 6 subscribes on my own channel which one is my father and the only my fiancé. We have 45 subscribers on our other. He has over 50 on YouTube and very close to getting paid on twitch. Yes, I spend hours getting it out there and getting it known. My blog website has done great so far, I have had that for two weeks and the most visit was 21 a day to one a day and at least two to three days with no views.

YouTube has brought me to Medium

Of course, there are YouTube videos about medium and a lot of how to’s for writing on medium. I researched and I learned a lot. I jumped on signed up and started writing. I write my pain, hurt, sorrow. I write what is real to me what is raw life. I got onto many publications and started submitting writings that have been waiting for the light of day. Being new the platform I felt most part of and understood( I’m not naming names but they know) I submitted. The editor reviewed and said things along the lines of I feel like you are holding back and you’re being too short with us in this one we will pass. The thing is he was right though. I was holding back from them in that one. I choose not to go deeper or submit that writing.

I started growing as I started writing and still researching watching how others do it, the ones that actually do it. I submitted great pieces to the platform it’d fit best with. The same editor replied it was too graphic. After stating that I was holding back from the and being too short with it.

What people actually want to see

People don’t want the real, raw, pain. They don’t want to feel you're sorrow or grief they want to know how much you make and glorify that hoping, yes, hoping one day they can do the same. I’m not saying that they won’t ever make that or there. Just a lesson I’ve learned even if people pursue something when it gets tough and hard they give up.

I’m a recovering heroin addict over 3 years, a new mom and I’ve been through a lot in my active addiction. Also a lot in my recovery. I write my pain, sorrow, hurt, and grief. I’m not going to stop I have an amazing publication that publishes my work. Highlights and claps from the editors themselves. I get one to two fans on a writings and only about 10 views with 4 reads. I’ve made .16 cents one month and . 13 cents another. I know it’s helped, someone. Like I just said I started something and now following through and my heart is happy.

Don’t give up

The ‘what if’s’ are haunting. I don’t want to think back and think well what if I just kept pushing. What if I took a break but came back stronger. I’m happy I started because that was the hardest part. I could change what I write about and get more views and people to highlight and clap for them. That’s not where my heart is. My goal is to reach as many people as addiction has reached and I’m just getting started.




Silver Moon

Hello, my people. Writing brings me out of myself but at the same time brings me deeper within myself. What a beautiful mixture.