What to Write, When You Don’t Get an Idea.

Learn to generate more fantastic ideas even though you are out of ideas.

Nitin Sharma


Photo by Kyle Simmons on Unsplash

I’ve had many days in the past where I can’t get enough ideas to write on Medium. I was left blank, with no idea, no stories, no views, no reads, and finally no money. Struggling a lot.

Writers say in their stories that you have to write every day, but how?

Even without an idea of how we can write a great story.

I was lost, depressed, sick.

It was of no use to become a writer without ideas. Then I went to research a lot about it and tried different strategies. Tried and tested it some succeed and some failed.

So I am going to write the ideas where I got succeeded. And I think that you don’t have to totally depend on Writing Groups to promote your stories.

Every writer struggle with What to write, Where do you get better ideas? It’s a little bit tough question but I am going to answer it here.

Ideas can be the substantial concept of writing and the whole story depend mainly on ideas. As a writer, you know how to write a story but don’t know what to write and we are discussing completely about it.

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Nitin Sharma

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