“What will people say”? A Small Guide to This Universal Dilemma

Believe me, it is not just a phrase, but it holds immense power over our lives!

Be Hopeful
2 min readJul 24, 2023


Photo by Thriday on Unsplash

No matter what our age is, we have all experienced the fear of judgment.

Whether it’s choosing a career path, expressing our true selves, choosing a life partner, or making unconventional choices, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, torn between following our heart’s desires or conforming to societal expectations.

Eventually, societal pressure can shape our lives and influence the choices we make.……

Sadly, I have witnessed so many people living toxic lives simply because they worry about what will people say….☹

Let me tell you the solution……

Dude, there are 8 billion people around the world, and you can’t make everyone happy. That is it…..

Ask yourself only three questions and take a decision.

  1. Is it better for me?

2. Do I have the expertise, finance, and time to do this?

3. What is the worst-case scenario? Can I handle it?

If your answers are “Absolutely Yes” then.....

My dear reader;

#You are precious

#You have the right to be happy

#Your power of individuality will light your path.

No matter how right we may be, the fear of judgment from others can paralyze us, and prevent us from pursuing what we love because we are influenced by norms, values, and traditions that shape our beliefs and behaviors, leading us to seek to fit into society’s expectations. So don’t judge anyone, especially your parents/elders.….

In the end, I would like to mention that it is crucial to distinguish

between ethical decisions and mere fear of being judged.

This writing is not about encouraging reckless behavior or unethical actions, such as wearing inappropriate clothes in front of parents, using abusive language, or engaging in harmful habits like drinking alcohol or smoking. Being decent, disciplined, and acting sensible are qualities of a responsible and respectable individual.

So don't use this formula to justify your unethical acts and behavior.

Good Luck to take the first steps towards liberation. Let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, where authenticity triumphs over conformity, and the power of individuality lights our path. Don’t be afraid of being an outlier.

Hi, I am a Freelance Content Writer. I write SEO-Optimised blogs since 2018. Let’s Connect on LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/marium-shafqat-299a11247) if you are looking for a content writer! Thank You





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Be Hopeful
Be Hopeful

Written by Be Hopeful

I share stories related self-development, Travel, and Online earning