What You Need To Know About People With A Superiority Complex. Are They Intentionally Being An Ass, Or Is It Inferiority They Feel?

I have run into these types before.

Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings


Photo by Sean Foster on Unsplash

Well, if you know people like this, run unless you can take a huge amount of criticism. They seem to know about everything and can always come up with a better way to affect life situations. They are the “know it all’s” of the world.

They know better than everyone, including you. That doesn’t mean they follow their own advice or anything. If you happen to take their advice and you get a positive outcome, there will be no acknowledgment or congratulations. If they do congratulate, it is not heart-felt. You can tell. They will be superior and know it. No acknowledgment is required.

They always have an opinion and would love to run other people’s lives for them. They can’t seem to run theirs, but yours, yes. It seems they just have to. They are perfect the way they are.

They don’t go with the flow, but they make better decisions, they think. If there are not people around to criticize, they do go with the flow.

If you are anxious, then you shouldn’t be. Go with the flow!



Jo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings

Writing on Medium since 2018. Writer for Illumination, About Me, and others, I write on a myriad of subjects with you in mind