What You Really Need To Overcome?

It is not the difficulty, but yourself

3 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by Julian Santa Ana on Unsplash

In the long river of life, everyone is in pursuit of growth and breakthroughs, longing to get rid of predicaments and become a better self.

However, the hardships and challenges along this journey eventually make us understand a profound truth.

A person’s true growth is to overcome oneself

I wonder if you have had such experiences: once you thought a problem was very difficult, but after solving it, you found that it was not that difficult.

Once you thought something was impossible to accomplish, but after going through all kinds of hardships and achieving it, looking back, you found that you could actually do it.

For the same thing, a person will have two completely different feelings. This is not because the thing has really become simpler, but because your ability and level have improved.

Therefore, when you encounter difficulties that you cannot overcome temporarily, do not give up too early or have a retreating mentality.

You think it is difficult because you have not defeated it yet; you think it is easy because your ability has improved.

What we really need to overcome is ourselves, not the difficulty itself.

As long as you give yourself enough time and patience, and make enough effort and persistence, even the most difficult things will gradually become simple.

The key to getting out of the predicament lies within yourself

In life, we all encounter troughs and there are always times when things are not satisfactory, and the key to getting out of the predicament lies within yourself.

If you take difficulties too seriously and look down upon yourself too lightly, you will be easily defeated by difficulties.

In fact, some problems that you think are unsolvable may not really have any solutions.

It’s just that you have set up an imagined “cage” of thinking for yourself, trapping yourself in place and not daring to act.

Many times, what you really should break through is not only your ability but also your mentality.

Adjust your emotions well, be calm, face challenges directly, and smile at problems. Eventually, you will become the winner of life.

A person’s greatest opponent is actually oneself

No matter how capable a person is, once they are lazy to act and unable to persist, no matter how good the idea is, it is only a beautiful illusion.

What can make people gain is always effective action.

Knowing who you want to be and what kind of life you want can you keep working hard and improving yourself.

When you want to be lazy and slack, when you want to be frustrated and give up, think about your ideal life, and you will find the motivation to move forward again.

A person’s greatest opponent is actually oneself. Our best weapon to overcome difficulties is precisely our determination, courage, and perseverance to overcome ourselves.

