What Your First Published Book Teaches You As An Author

Sometimes the hardest lessons to learn are from the ones that don't produce many results.

Kayla Hicks


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The first time every author publishes a book, we hold our hopes high and dream big.

The masterpiece that we have been working on for so long will finally be out in the world. The characters we've been molding and taking on a journey will be meeting a reader's eyes for the first time. And the story that we have edited and re-edited is ready to launch people into your universe.

And as exciting as all of that is, sometimes you find that your hopes and dreams stall after publishing that first book.

Because new authors are often overlooked or undermarketed to get in front of enough readers who are willing to spread the word about your book.

More often than not, a first-time published author will feel as if they went wrong, and no one in the world will ever read their book.

But I'm here to tell you that it's all part of the process.

Why? Because, like with so many other things, it takes time to build a reputable reputation that draws in readers. But unfortunately, only publishing one book isn't going to skyrocket you to fame.



Kayla Hicks

A published author on Amazon| Multi-Genre Author| Teaching about writing and publishing| https://linktr.ee/authorkaylahicks