What’s in the Now?

All that you experience is in the now

Divyata Dewan


Surfing in Hawaii, Photograph captured by Author

Early on when everyone around me treated time as a measurable quantity. A quantity to measure.

To measure me. Themselves. The worth of an individual is estimated by TIME.

I have heard my folks talk to people like, “You know, Div, she did not waste any time during her graduation. By the grace of God, she cleared her exams and got graduated in just four years, just like her fellow peers.”

Another day I overheard my mother talk to her friend,” Ohh, div, she wasted a lot of time after college not doing what I expected from her. She did all sorts of jobs, but nothing was at par with an IT job. She wasted her time.”

temporary written in a clock
Photo by Emanuel Ekström on Unsplash

Sometimes I wonder. The total time I have is only a quantifiable, measurable commodity? Here go predictions about my self-worth by myself looking at the time machine. I have also encountered situations like, “Hey, what’s the time like for you? I am sorry the time is bad for you.”

Have you ever felt like time is running? Have you ever felt like you are chasing time?



Divyata Dewan

I am a transformational coach and a lifelong learner. I practice mindfulness and my goal is to transform life states with my writings. https://ko-fi.com/divyata