Things Teachers Have Said To Me

I will never forget



Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

“You will never pass the exam”.

“You are a moron”

“You are stupid and arrogant”

“You will never succeed in life”

The list goes on and on, but these were the most hurtful things that they said to me. I admit I was rebellious at school. I was a problematic teenager. Looking back to those times, I don’t feel like I deserved to be treated like that. Just because I was a problematic teenager, I will never be successful? No, it’s not right.

That’s what the problematic teenagers and students felt at those times in my school. This is because our teachers programmed us to think like that. They make us felt that only the good kids will be successful one day. We don’t have the chance.

I hate school because of that. I hate going to school, where most teachers (not saying all of them) expected me to fail in a big examination that will determine whether I can go to college. They wished I failed. I look up to them. They are teachers and educators.

It was really hard for me to stay in that school, but long story short; I made it. I passed, and they were shocked. I love to remember the reactions that they had. The satisfaction that I had inside of me. I prove to them that even though how many…




A Finance Enthusiast. Obsessed with Personal Development. Writer in progress. On a beautiful journey of Self Love