What’s the hardest truth of life?

Ahmed Sukhaira 786
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2024
Photo by Yusron El Jihan on Unsplash

Pinpointing a single "hardest truth" about life is a near-impossible task. It’s a tapestry woven with countless threads, each holding its own weight of difficulty. However, some truths resonate with a deeper, more universal pain, leaving an indelible mark on the human experience. Here are a few contenders for the title, each with its own weight:

1. Mortality and Loss:

The cold truth of our impermanence is perhaps the most fundamental and jarring aspect of life. We are all hurtling towards an end, and those we love will inevitably leave us, or we them. This reality can be a constant source of anxiety and grief, forcing us to confront the fragility of our existence and the depth of our connections.

2. The Unfairness of Life:

Life isn’t a meritocracy. Tragedy strikes indiscriminately, dreams remain unfulfilled, and good intentions often go unrewarded. We witness others seemingly blessed with advantages, while others struggle with burdens beyond their control. This inherent unfairness can breed resentment, helplessness, and a sense of powerlessness in the face of forces beyond our control.

3. The Limits of Our Control:

We crave control, a sense of agency over our lives and destinies. Yet, much of what unfolds is outside our grasp. Unexpected events can derail our plans, and even our own choices have unintended consequences. This lack of absolute control can be deeply frustrating, leaving us feeling like passengers on a journey with an unpredictable destination.

4. The Inability to Live a Thousand Lives:

Each choice we make closes the door on countless others. The paths not taken, the dreams unpursued, the experiences missed – these can linger as a constant source of "what ifs" and regrets. This yearning for the unlived life can paralyze us, making it difficult to embrace the present and commit to the decisions we do make.

5. The Inevitability of Change:

Life is a constant state of flux. People change, relationships evolve, and our circumstances shift. While some change is positive, growth and progress often come with the bittersweet pang of leaving behind the familiar and embracing the unknown. This constant change can be disorienting, making it difficult to feel secure and grounded.

6. The Struggle for Meaning and Purpose:

We are all searching for meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe. What is our purpose? What impact will we leave on the world? This existential question can be a heavy burden, leading to feelings of insignificance and a lack of direction.

7. The Loneliness of the Human Experience:

Despite our connections with others, we are ultimately all alone in our own minds and bodies. We experience joy and sorrow, fear and hope, in an internal world that can feel entirely separate from the external world. This inherent loneliness can be particularly poignant in moments of vulnerability and isolation.

These are just a few of the many hard truths that life throws our way. While these truths can be difficult to grapple with, it is through confronting them that we find meaning, build resilience, and develop the strength to navigate the complexities of life. It is important to remember that these truths are not meant to be a source of despair, but rather a catalyst for growth, understanding, and compassion.

By acknowledging these difficulties, we can find solace in shared experiences, appreciate the preciousness of life, and strive to create meaning and purpose even in the face of uncertainty.



Ahmed Sukhaira 786

Principal in Human Resource Department since 2002.Special proficiency in Science research, History, Creative writing, , SEO, Articles, Blogs, Health and Fitness