What’s Weight Got to Do, Got To Do With It?

Steven Anthony
Published in
14 min readFeb 8, 2021


It’s all about energy

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If COVID-19 hadn’t shut down most of the gyms already, this would be the time thousands of recent subscribers would be throwing in the towel on their resolutions to lose weight in 2021. This is what typically happens every year. People resolve to lose weight and join a gym to do the active part of their doctor’s or their nutritionist’s advice of “eat less and move more.”

To their surprised satisfaction, they see movement on the scale in the right direction! But by the end of January, their weight loss slows, then stalls. It’s frustrating! They are tired from the workouts and hungry from eating less. While they were losing weight, it felt worth it. But after a week of the needle on the scale not moving, motivation starts to slip.

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Then, by early February, the needle moves again — but in the wrong direction. WTF! Now they are tired and hungry all the time plus inching back to their starting weight. It’s at this point many just give up. This is what happens to 95% of overweight people who try to lose weight using the eat less/move more approach to weight management.



Steven Anthony

I recently wrote a book: BE LEAN! Revealing the Long-Lost Secrets of Weight Management. It explains the science behind weight control. www.beleansecrets.com