Meditation, Mindfulness

What's with these animals predicting earthquakes?

Does my dog know when it will happen?

Ishwar More


Photo by Darren Welsh on Unsplash

We all have seen the videos of dogs howling before an earthquake. There’s quite an evidence to support that plenty of animals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects were showing strange behavior anywhere from weeks to seconds before an earthquake.

Wild animals switching their sleeping places, birds leaving their nests. Sensing danger. Do they know something which we don’t? They can’t talk, but they can convey their emotions. Well, it’s not just about the earthquake, they can sense fear or danger.

When I was a child, I used to hear a bird chirping every summer, only before monsoon. And that bird knew that it’s going to rain. Later I come to know that it was his mating season, but how is it possible for a bird to know it’s going to rain in upcoming days in raging summer’s sun?
Bird :- Common hawk-cuckoo, also known as the brainfever bird, resident of Indian subcontinent.

No ears and poor eyesight, it can only understand ground, the reverberation and chemistry. Sticking out their tongues all the time, I’m talking about the scary snake. I’m definitely not fond of them, but in my opinion they have the highest of perception. Sensing fear, evil, danger, persons anxiety or even a distant earthquake. They are valued in yogic culture. If you study them enough, you can know about these all. But again, why would you? I would never. And one more interesting thing, a cobra knows his death, Spooky right?

These are their wild instincts and not intelligence.
They don’t think, they know it. It’s rooted to their existence.
They are in sync with the nature. We are not.
Throughout the evolution, we have lost something which they possess. And we can only achieve it through experience. Through meditation.

