What’s Wrong With Reading Self-Help Books?

Helping oneself is helping others. You will never know how far your influence could reach.

Yean Foong (M.Ed.)


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I have come across a couple of articles about the self-help industry. Some of the writers claimed that the self-help industry is not meant to help anyone but themselves. I even read one article that claims the self-help industry selling false hopes to vulnerable people.

I have some thoughts about this argument.

Self-help books are not the panacea to all problems

Everyone experiences the ups and downs in life because a flat line is for the dead man. If I didn’t stumble upon a self-help book when I hit rock bottom many years ago, I would still be struggling.

I’m not saying that reading self-help books could make me happy. It didn’t, because if my mindset hasn’t changed, I will still feel the same. The father of neuropsychology — Donald Hebb, famously said, “neurons that fire together, wire together,” perfectly illustrated that…



Yean Foong (M.Ed.)

I am currently pursuing EdD (Doctor of Education). Educator/trainer/writer.