What’s Your Issue in Using a Public Bathroom?

Alena Powell
Published in
5 min readOct 30, 2019


Photo by andrebuhrer on Pixabay
I took a picture of this sign, located underneath a row of portable bathrooms at a concert.

The picture above was taken at an outdoor concert and it got me thinking about bathrooms so much I had to write about it. It got me thinking about issues people go through — just to use a bathroom. It could be because of body shaming, bullying, social norms or just having to wait to use the bathroom. Recently there was a man on an airplane who allegedly tried to storm the cockpit because of the lines for the coach bathroom and the crew would not let him use the first class bathroom!

Notification that showed up on my phone.

You may have also noticed that you’re seeing more universal or gender-neutral bathrooms. I personally think it’s because the LGBTQIA* community has brought the issue to the forefront. I am personally grateful for it, but I want to expand this even further. For instance, when did lines for the women’s restroom begin? When did it become the social norm to just wait? Some of these lines can be around the corner. And then you look one over at the men’s bathroom and there is barely a line. Some of us will rebel and barge into the men’s room, while the rest of…



Alena Powell

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