WhatsApp Brought a Moto GP to a Foot Race

How They Catapult Themselves to the Top 1% Dominating 1/3 of the Entire World’s Population

Khalid Are
5 min readMar 5, 2024


Photo by Rachit Tank on Unsplash

Just around the end of this article, you are about to find out what WhatsApp did and you couldn’t keep the app off your mobile phone.

You must have seen the Motto somewhere, either on the download page of the app or even in their ads.

Simple. Reliable. Private

Just by keeping it simple, WhatsApp surpassed its competitors and left me with a jaw-dropping kind of emoji on my facial expression.

For the sake of this article let’s call it the “ Green App”

It wouldn’t surprise me if you couldn’t do without the app on your device a day. Messaging Family, chatting with co-workers, contacting your long-distance partner, reuniting with your long-time friends, managing your precious businesses, planning events and occasions with your friends and loved ones.

Pretty cool for the Green App, right?

This means that having room for the app on your devices justifies that you’re part of the 2.7 billion users of the messaging app, not excluding me.

Meaning that it has dominated 1/3 of the population of the entire world.

Isn’t that a fantabulous achievement for a Simple. Reliable. Private app?

One Small Idea, That Turned Big.

Let’s make a quick rewind back to 15 years ago when these two genius fellows founded the Green App, Jan Koum and Brian Acton. The two guys were ex-employees of Yahoo.

After the escape from their previous job, it took them 2 years to come up with the idea of creating an app that could link iPhone users with their contact lists through statuses.

Brilliant, that is how it all started, just because one of them bought an iPhone. Then, in 2009, the Apple iPhone was the main target for the app’s purposes.

The name of the app came as simple as it sounds, like asking, ‘What’s good?’, ‘What’s up?’ and uniting it with the word ‘App’ and that’s how the ravishing name surfaced. {WhatsApp}

Mind you, the Green App wasn’t originally intended to be a messaging app, however, the built-in ability of the Green App to send notifications to users gave it the feasibility and visibility to ignite into a resource platform that could be used in exchanging communication in countries around the world.

Soon, the felicitation and growth of the Green App caught the attention of a Large Venture Capital Firm, Sequoia Capital. Who funded the Green App with an $8M investment to get a share in the ownership percentage, in 2011.

In 2 years, the Green App has grown to 200M active users, which drove the previous investor, Sequoia Capital, to second their first investment with another $50M investment on the Green App. As of then, the Green App’s popularity has been somersaulting to different countries over the years.

A Big Bouncing Deal

What followed the swift development of the Green App was the deal that exchanged the ownership from the two genius guys of WhatsApp to the Founder of Meta (formerly Facebook), in 2014. When the ownership was bought for the sum of $19B.

That sounds tremendous, yeah!

With the former level of the Green App in 2013. The Green App has went from having 200M active users to over 1076M active users in the year 2016.

That’s a massive headway, by the way!

Simple. Reliable. Private.

You can attest to it if you’re a Green App user that the Simplicity of the app is a no-brainer. Kinda Reliable for me {oh see? Just got a notification that my lovely brother sent a message, (feels alright)} and the Privacy part? Just lock those chats you don’t wanna disclose.

Over the years, the Green App has Multiplied with Addition.

What do I mean?

Being the top in your field isn’t always a joke. Talking of Management, Competition, Competency, Building trust and Functionality. You need to keep your feet on the ground if you don’t wanna fall to the ground.

And that’s what has kept the Green App growing since day one.

Through the years, the Green App has developed and introduced additional features to polish the experience of the users which includes;

End-to-End Encryption: It was included to ensure the safety and privacy protection of the messages you mind disclosing to anyone except the receiver. — Privacy

Sticker and Avatar Emoji: (This part is my fav). Without saying a single word, I will reply to messages with stickers' reactions and Avatar Emojis. I get myself into sticker battles with my friends here most of the time, making it more interesting to crave the feeling of chatting people up on the Green App.

Group Calls: The Green App has made it easier for more than two people to be involved in a conversation on mobile phones. Presently, 6 people or more can have a better conversion and still understand themselves better. The good part, regional barriers are not a problem, you can talk Live with people not in the same region as you. If you ask me, it is — Reliable.

Recently the Green App has added two more qualities for more Privacy and Accessibilty on the app.

  • Lock Chats: For your privacy, lock the chats only you want access to, with a secret access code that is known to only you.
  • Switch Accounts: The best part of it is the Two-User interface. Imagine being able to chat freely and have nice conversations with your friends and loved ones. You can even post and talk memes. While having a second account of the Green App where you put and have your office works and talk business only.

Closing Tip

I spend most of my daily hours on the app. I simply can’t do without it. Doing business on the app is even easier now, with the Green App Business, you can showcase your beautiful products and the services you render. Imagine making huge sales just from a shop on your mobile phone.

That’s impressive!

The Green App keeps looking for more ways to make communication and businesses thrive on the internet by creating a Simple. Reliable. Private instant messaging app to align and profer solutions to people across the globe.


Just by being simple, WhatsApp leads the whole world in the realm of messaging.

Next time you are starting or looking to come up with a great idea for your brand or product, don’t forget to keep it SIMPLE.

It’d be nice to know what you think about the Green App in the comment section.




Khalid Are

Knowledge is Vast. Likewise, my desire to Write about it.