When a Developer is Asked to Help Interview Candidates

A non-technical approach to take when interviewing a new candidate

AP Carpen


Man and woman at a desk with the woman typing on a laptop computer
Photo by TheStandingDesk on Unsplash

This is not an interview technique created by professionals, just the way that I managed the interview process.

I was employed as a software developer for my entire career. A few companies that I was with for a few years asked me to help interview new candidates. You would think that being a coder I would ask questions about how good they were technically, but I did not think that was the best approach.

I asked a few technical questions, but then switched gears.

Watch the person as you talk

You do not have to be an expert at this, but you should watch the body language of the person being interviewed. Do they look like they are uncomfortable as you are speaking with them? Do they look away from you when they answer?

These are not signs of them not being truthful, but after a while you can start observing how they act. Do not take one single incident as a red flag but be aware of their body language for the entire interview.


You want to try to find out what type of person they are: what is their demeanor. You want to ask him or…



AP Carpen

Paid Member; Semi-Retired Software Developer; Will write about computers for non-techs, human nature, how-to, and some humor; Developing a YouTube channel