When A Friendship Ends

It’s a different type of heartbreak

Zed Bee


Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

When we talk about heartbreak, we’re almost always thinking of romantic love. We think of the chaos that ensues. The crying, the harsh words spoken, the emotional toll it takes on the body. Even in movies, it’s all roller-coaster highs followed by devastating lows. We never really talk about the quiet heartbreak that comes with a friendship ending.

When I think of friendships that end, I think of grief. The grief that comes in waves of nostalgia and sadness.

I look back to some of my previous friendships and try to remember the very last time I’d met the other person. It’s strange that we don’t know that we could be meeting someone for the very last time. Especially if you were really close. I kind of expect there to be a foreshadowing of some sort, like a huge sign from the heavens that this is a monumental moment and it should be savored accordingly.

But that doesn’t happen.

More recently, I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long while. We were friends in high school, and the trauma of those years brought us together. As life does, we went on to our separate endeavors, always keeping in touch either by message or call. We’d try to meet up whenever our schedules allowed and bar any major pandemic sized events.



Zed Bee

I like to think. And I like to write. Join my email list for more insights, breakdowns, and interesting ideas 👉 https://zedbelle.com/zeds-letters