When Do You Stop Learning?

Does it end after you finish your studies? Or your training?

Thilina Dasantha


I am a curious person. I try to learn something new every day because most of the time lessons from our daily life are free.

Photo by Bannon Morrissy on Unsplash

The work I do helps me immensely to sate my curiosity. I’m mostly curious about humans and their behavior. Being in customer relations is probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in the recent past.

I get to interact with a wide array of personalities at work. Every one of them carries a different lesson unique to each other. Among those, there was one thing I’ve recently discovered, and It helped me improve as a person. So I’ve decided to share about it. It’s something you might already know but bear with me as I unwrap this discovery.

Among my peers, what I have discovered is that although they do a good job, they do it in a way where they limit themselves as regular employees. Now, don’t get me wrong. This is okay, you don’t have to be much more than that to earn your dues and be a great employee.

But, what about being a better person?

Your life doesn’t stop when you enter your work. It continues to monitor you and throw random lessons your way to learn. That is if you make yourself open to them. If you actively decide, there’s nothing to…

