When Life Becomes a Cyclical Monotony

It becomes a piece of code stuck in an infinite loop

Parag Ingale
2 min readAug 15, 2023


Photo by Damir Samatkulov on Unsplash

I’m back here, churning out words after 1.5 months of being busy, because writing is the only thing that gives me a rush. I was busy not because I wanted to but because I didn’t have an option. Today I woke up and decided to dedicate today’s Independence Day leave to my boring IT job. Not that I wanted to, but my anxiety about not being a master of any trade impels me to do so. I never wanted to be a master of coding, though. After a month or so, I opened Instagram to spend my precious hours scrolling on it. While scrolling, I came across yet another influencer reel. Not that I’m a big fan of these things, but I sometimes get low on dopamine levels, and these short reels are enough to shoot it up.

I’m starting to realise that my life has become a vicious cycle of monotony. Every day, I eat sleep code and repeat. There are no ups and downs in my life. I don’t want downs, and I can’t get ups. Phew! No love, no surprises, and no change. I don’t know if it’s just me or if most of them out there feel the same. Every new day is an exact replica of yesterday. My life is a never-ending Deja vu of boredom, and boredom kills you mentally.

My life has become more straight than a dead person’s heartbeat. I guess I’m dead inside.

I am devoid of peace and love. I feel empty despite having everything. I’m living in solitary confinement of my own mental shackles. I don’t hang out with friends, get high on alcohol, and dance all night anymore. I don’t meet new people, and explore new places. Something is holding me back. Its anxiety and self-doubt. The more I doubt myself, the more I withdraw into my boring life and become less open to change. And this loop continues.

The only creativity left in me is my writing, which is why I keep coming back to it. As I have mentioned earlier, words give me a rush. They are a dose of dopamine for my anxiety-stricken life. They rejuvenate my withered heart. Medium is the platform that gives voice to my choking life. Here, I can meet storytellers and new friends like Doro Volkova, who influence me to share more without the fear of getting judged. I can relate to them.

I just try to pour my heart out with words, because that’s the only thing that sets me free. I try to colour my black and white life. For now, I am just waiting for a day when I will fly away from this cage of self-doubt.

