When My Spirit is Free, I… (Let’s Hear Yours Too!)

Reunite with all of life.

Josie P. Julius
2 min readFeb 17, 2022


Photo by Andris Romanovskis on Unsplash

Consciousness stream —

When my spirit is free,
The broken bones of my body
Dissolve like marshmallows into the barely-burnt skin of hot chocolate
Steam rising, breath a sigh,
To become one with the ether, the wind again.

If my spirit were free
It would leap through cracks in the windows
Ride the miniscule water droplets the ash tree transpires
Fly, float aimlessly, knowing
The delicious clouds await me to merge

With other spirits I remember —
My grandfather young, tanned and accented by the Atlantic,
My old doctor, watching his white terrier
Roop, gallop with the excitement of reuniting.

If my spirit were free
I would live this life
One inhale at a time
Poking my nose into the dizzying scents of my
Soon-to-bloom wildflowers,

The honeysuckle I used to drain
With my sister by our backyard fence
Sweeter than raspberry on our lips

Mixed with earth musk and leaves tinged forest green

Ready, waiting to tell me something.

I am excited to invite Carmellita, Taylor Foreman and Jan Sebastian to join this wonderful February writing challenge!

The Prompt:

When My Spirit is Free, I…

KTHT’s February Writing Challenge

The Rules (copied from KTHT):

Use the prompt to write a poem or personal essay.

  1. *(Tag) Mention at least (3) three of your favorite writers (here at KTHT or elsewhere on Medium) and ask them to participate. Each of those writers will then mention at least (3) three more, and so on.
  2. You may submit your story to KTHT or to any publication that allows prompts from other publications.
  3. Regardless of where you submit your piece, You MUST include a link back to this page and (Tag) mention one or all of the KTHT editors — DianaC, Spyder, jules or Ravyne Hawke.
  4. List the prompt and these rules at the end of your poem or essay so that those you’ve (tagged) mentioned will know the rules.

Thank you to the KTHT editors and also to Gregory Russell Benedikt for inviting me to participate and find inspiration in this challenge!



Josie P. Julius

A mouse with a scalpel to grind. Medical musings, humorous confusion. Practices writing without a license.