When Nothing Is Actually Working For You It’s Okay To Write Nothing

You Don’t Have To Crank Something Out Every Day

P.G. Barnett
The Top Shelf


It all parses down to who you wish to believe. Some misguided writing acolyte who’s dangled their tootsies in the shallow end of the writing pool for a couple of months or someone who’s actually done it for over forty years and has seen the results it produces.

The truth is, nobody can tell you what you need to do to feel content and happy about your writing. If you don’t think you’re quite there yet and you writing and publishing something daily is how you want to roll, then, by all means, roll that way.

If you want to cogitate on a few pieces and work them until you feel you’ve done your best and only put out a couple of pieces a week, or even one piece a month, then lock and load and rock and roll.

You don’t need or want someone without writing callouses on their fingers to tell you what you should do. You know what you want to do. You know what you need to do.

If you feel what you’re writing of late isn’t working then pull up and do a little self-check. Spend a couple of days or even longer if you need to and perform an analysis of your writing. Maybe, you’ve slipped into a style that isn’t letting your true voice and tone shine. Maybe the topics…



P.G. Barnett
The Top Shelf

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.