When The World Unravels, Will You?

You can only control your responses to life

Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Tong Su on Unsplash

The world around us has been plunged into another crisis with Russia’s outright invasion of Ukraine.

The largest invasion of a sovereign nation since WWII. Who knows what will transpire next? Our world has been shaken.

When your world is shaken, are you rattled as well?

Lesson to Learn

We do not have control of the world around us.

International actors can plunge our world into chaos. And they certainly will not ask permission or even inform you of what they are about to do.

The only thing we can control is our response.

We get to control how we live our lives in the context of global events. We need to prepare ourselves.

With a highly interconnected world, even more so than before the pandemic, we still get to decide who we are becoming and how we will react to whatever transpires.

Choose who you are and your response.

Answer for Me

I was severely shaken by the chain of events that transpired in Europe.



Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters

I write to educate and inspire. President & CEO of MACNY - The Manufacturers Association with over 300 company members in New York State. Visit www.macny.org.