Hate Speech, Authority & Purpose

When They Go Low, We Keep Writing

Why you shouldn’t let trolls discourage you from speaking out.

Angela K. Irvin, Psy.D.
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2020


“The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.” ―Albert Camus

As writers, we have diverse motivations for putting pen to paper. Some may seek fame and fortune, while others seek catharsis. We teach, encourage, and entertain. We savor the moments when our stories go viral, feeling proud to say, “I’m a writer.” Other moments cause us to question that identity when our writings miss the mark, landing in a reader-less limbo. Regardless of which way it goes, we wake up each day with fresh ideas, ready to put ourselves out there again and again.

The first article I published on Medium was a research-based listicle titled “Nine Ways to Boost Resilience During America’s Double Pandemic.” The article provided self-care tips for people who are dealing with the double whammy of COVID-19 and race-related stress. It garnered a decent number of views (considering I only had four followers at the time) and was shared across social media. Not bad for my Medium debut.

But the experience was bittersweet. It reminded me of how I felt as a kid blowing bubbles for the…



Angela K. Irvin, Psy.D.

Dr. Irvin is a clinical psychologist and mental health educator who enjoys writing about mental wellness, women’s issues, and the lived experience of race.