When to Call It Quits On Your Big Dream

Because maybe it wasn’t yours to begin with.

Gwen Irwin


Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

After many many years of working the 9 to 5 for other people, it was clear to me that above all else I longed to spend that time working for myself. While that desire surfaced I began studying energy work.

Reiki was my first love. But after completing the first two levels I still didn’t have the confidence to go out on my own.

Then came learning NLP and EFT — lots of new skills but it still didn’t seem like enough. I worked with a few people, mostly for free, yet felt I lacked what it took to work with others — something felt off.

I attributed the “offness” to my lack of confidence. Surely I had enough skills and ability after all of the trainings, and I definitely had the life experience as I worked through many of my own challenges. Yet I couldn’t seem to develop and especially maintain a client base. Although the clients I worked with had positive results, I continued to spin my wheels.

In the meantime, I wrote on my blog for free which always seemed like a means to an end — to develop an email list and gain new clients. I loved writing yet it didn’t seem viable. That’s not how my teachers earned their money — one-on-one client work was the way to go.



Gwen Irwin

Author, blogger, Reiki Master, and Certified Holistic Health Teacher. medium.com/@geirwin/subscribe