When Was the Last Time You Get Bored

You must get bored to achieve what matters the most.

Mohit Satkari
2 min readOct 29, 2021


Photo by Monstera from Pexels

Today in this era of multi-tasking, you are not the only one to get easily tempted. So be careful.

Nowadays there are so many distractions to get swayed away easily.

No one wants to get bored, if you are in the office doing work on your systems, you only know how many times you switch between your screens.

If you are studying something you get frequently distracted by the messages on social media and a lot more other stuff.

And what suffers in this whole process is the ability to hyperfocus and which in turn affects your productivity of the work in which you wanted to excel yourself, either it is in your studies or your own goals of writing stories on medium or in the task given to you by your boss. You are not able to perform to your full potential.

Now if we wish to develop our ability to focus, we need to be able to tolerate boredom while doing the work that is most important to us.

Our scientists are working meticulously in their respective fields to make our life easier. They would be also getting distractions at certain points. They Would be getting bored after numerous unsuccessful attempts in their research.

But what keeps them on track is certainly their inner willpower and self-determination to focus on the subject which matters to them the most no matter how boring it seems.

So it is only you who have to bring your mind back, again and again, every time whenever it gets distracted away from your subject of choice and which will ultimately enhance your ability to focus and will strengthen your inner willpower.

