When You Feel Down Do This To Make Yourself Feel Better Tremendously

Yes, by doing this simple yet rewarding thing.

Rick Chen


Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

With the prevalence of social media platforms, such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok..etc, it seems like we are able to stay connected with our friends and family easily, yet somehow I feel we are more distant away from them.

When was the last time you had a fun conversation with your friend?

For me, it was probably 3 years ago if not longer.

We are all caught in this empty busyness of hustling onto the day to day mundane work. During our spare time, we are often too busy minding other people’s affairs rather than focusing on our own.

We get distracted easily, we feel anxious, we are uncertain, we get sucked in the various paradoxes of choices, our energy level is unstable, and sometimes we just feel down and we can’t explain why.

And here is a good tip I’d like to share with you that can make you feel better when you feel down.

Finding Happiness in Helping Others

I still remember the time back in college, for a computer class, I was helping a fellow classmate from Venezuela. The assignments and the test seem easy and straightforward…



Rick Chen

Success is the pursuit of a meaningful purpose.