When you take a shower, turn the tap to the right, it will change your life

How cold showers help you

2 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by Carson Masterson on Unsplash

Showering is a main routine in human life, although many people think that showering only purpose is hygiene, that is wrong because showering has many benefits other than getting clean, like:

- Decreased stress

- Improve overall mood

- improve immunity

In fact, when Billionaire Elon Musk was asked about a positive habit, he said:

But most of us when taking a shower, we take a hot shower, because it is warm, relaxing, and comfortable, not many who take a cold shower even though most studies prove that cold showers are beneficial in many ways.

Here are some benefits of cold showers:


White blood cells are the ones that fight viruses and infections, after the body faces cold temperatures, white blood cells start to circulate faster and by that your immune system becomes stronger, it starts to produce cells that fight infections, which make your body immune to many viruses.

Your Body:

When exposing the body to cold temperatures, blood vessels start to narrow and by that, the swelling on an injury starts to reduce the swelling, which helps the body to recover quickly, also when the body is in cold temperatures it realizes that it’s cold and need to heat, which then increase your metabolism and start burning more calories.


Patients diagnosed with depression volunteered for a depression treatment that consists of a cold shower, and to make it less shocking for the patients they made it an adapted cold shower, which the process of starting the shower with warm water and decreasing it with time, the treatment was some weeks up to several months, and after the treatment duration the stats showed that there was a decrease on depression symptoms.

Lately, I have been exposing myself to cold water, unfortunately not a full cold shower but a warm shower, and in the end I turn the water to cold, and the adrenaline and the excitement that comes from cold water just make you fully ready to face the rest of the day.

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  • Shevchuk, N. A. (2008). Adapted cold shower as a potential treatment for depression. Medical hypotheses, 70(5), 995–1001.
  • Percy, B. (2024). The Surprising Health Benefits of Cold Water Therapy. Sat.




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