Where Are The Frickin’ Words?

Cuz mine just can’t do justice…

Dawn Aegle
Published in
1 min readJun 5, 2020


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I am a writer.

I pull words out of my gut…to express, to inspire, to reflect, to teach, to convey, to create, to feel. I use words to let me know how I feel…and to help others feel, too.

But. This. Past. Week. There. Have. Not. Been. Any. Words.

I sit at my computer, but I cannot type.

Because there are no words.

Is it because I have needed to feel the silence?

But tonight…words come into my mind. They are not my words. They are the words of a man with whom I share a birthday…and a generation.

Tonight, I share his words with you.

Tonight, I hope they can set us on a road to hope.

Dawn Aegle is a word woman who is currently at a loss for words…for none of them are adequate to do justice.



Dawn Aegle

Follow the eclectic life adventures, musings & advice of a modern-day Renaissance Woman and ‘Turn Trauma into Tremendous.’ Transformation coach; content writer