Poetry | Writer | Poet

Where Are You, Love?

Kalpana Khattri
Published in
Mar 5, 2023


Photo by Alexander Lam on Unsplash

love, where are you, love?
are you here for me?
i’m swirling in thought 24/7
reminiscing our old days
now we’re distanced,
i’m craving you more

i’m starving for your love
thirsty for your touch,
i miss your taste
although all my clothes
smell like you, oh, darling
i can feel your clasp
without you being here

i embrace you every second
so tight (now in memory)
your body feels like mine,
mine like yours
now that you’re gone,
i don’t feel this way
cause i can look into my eyes
in the mirror and
see your coup d’œil

i see, darling,
i’m just a piece of you
maybe it’s still the reason
i’m still breathing
believing i’m with you,
even if it's just a hallucination

If you loved this poem, I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading another one. Here.



Kalpana Khattri

Writer/Poet, student, multilingual, researcher, bookworm who believes in self-education. Reach me - kalpanakc219@gmail.com