Where Does Blockchain Fit Into The Current Political Spectrum And How Will It Continue To Adapt?

A broad look at policy, technology, and possible future events.

T. Dylan Daniel


Photo by Leyy . on Unsplash

The Democrats, under the recent solidification of the party’s spirit into one man, have been promoting a new and improved political agenda. Buoyed by the defeat of Trump, and hopefully with it Trumpism, Democratic party leadership has a seemingly bottomless well of Republican corruption to parade in front of the American public to promote their agenda. This article will explore current political trends to unpack possible outcomes from the standpoint of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology more widely. If you’ve checked the price listings lately, you won’t be surprised to see my results: it looks like everything is coming up aces for Bitcoin.

What Do The Parties Want?

The Democrats’ agenda looks a lot like my agenda: financial security for American households. Being broke in the richest nation in the world is absolute fucking bullshit and I intend to do something about it, personally. But the Republican agenda Democrats face looks like something that was initially created to oppose someone like Hillary Clinton who could be easily conspired against in the media. Biden is progressives’ old white guy, who by…



T. Dylan Daniel

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire. https://dylan.cent.co/