Where Eagles Soar

Imagination takes flight

Bob Jasper


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Photo by author

A couple of years ago I sat and watched two crows cavorting in the air above a deep ravine in Arizona. A light breeze blew up the wash giving them lift. They seemed to have great fun soaring back and forth and up and down the ravine, flapping their wings occasionally to gain altitude or speed.

I imagined what fun I’d have if I could be a bird and fly as they did. I’d soar about and look down upon the earth, as I moved this way or that with a tip of a wing — such pleasure just gliding about with little effort — pure enjoyment.

Photo by author

It reminded me of another time when we were dining with a group of friends on the deck of a cabin on Yellow Lake in northern Wisconsin. We had just finished dinner when someone noticed a flock of Eagles soaring overhead. We all looked up and saw an amazing display. Seventeen eagles circled overhead riding the thermals. Watching them we lost track of time. Our necks grew stiff from looking up. Afterwards, we complimented the hostess on her choice of after-dinner…



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.