Where Has My Happiness Gone?

Spark Within You
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2023

Each and every day, I keep asking myself one question

Am I happy? Not only myself, you might also have been asked this question yourself.

Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash

In response to this question, we will get different answers.

Sometimes Yes…Sometimes brutal No …Sometimes may be…

But what makes us feel like this?

We all know happiness lies within and no need to search it outside.

But everyday stresses, anxieties, and struggles make us feel we are not happy and we missing something in life.

And often we compare ourselves to others and think “If only I had what they have, then I’d be happy.” This attitude needs to be changed.

Come back to reality.

The reality is that no one takes our happiness away from us unless we allow them to

We can cultivate our own happiness in our lives. A few ideas may help you:

Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash
  1. Focus on gratitude — Focus on gratitude. Be grateful for what we already have
  2. Spend time in nature and meditate
  3. Do something nice for someone else. This can also make us happy
  4. Identify your strengths and use them
  5. Focus on the positive aspects of yourself rather than dwelling on what you don’t have in your life

Happiness comes from within.

While others can enhance our experience of life, true lasting happiness comes from self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and living a life of purpose and meaning.

Let our happiness last forever.

Thanks for reading.

