Where Is Earth’s Dyson Sphere?

Several other reasons humans look silly to ETs

Bernie E. Robert


Earth’s healthcare inadequacies were uncovered by the COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s not the only aspect we’re not up to (galactic) par. Humans are woefully unprepared for alien houseguests.

Image source: Pexels

Why Humans Suck

Another evening, another tea party with my extraterrestrial houseguests. But this time, they thought to show me more of their side of the Milky Way. So, they set up a huge screen-like thing on one end of my ship, while I watched, fighting hard not to be impressed.

The Florg are a complete Type I civilization, and are well on their way to Type II. They have a stable relationship with several other spacefaring species, including humans (i.e me). They're building a Dyson sphere—how cool is that? Not to mention the humongous Florg Mothership, and the array of space observation instruments that cover an entire moon.

And those are just the ones they felt like showing off. What about their version of the Manhatten Project—a solar system-destroying weapon? Or the top secret surveillance network that every species has? Honestly, if they decided to fight, we'd lose, spectacularly.

Humans, on the other hand, are facetious and fragmented. We've barely understood our planet, yet alone the…



Bernie E. Robert

Science and technology nerd; lucid dreamer and philosopher. I have alien friends, too. @berniethewriter on Twitter.