Where is That Roar?

The Peaceful Wolf
Published in
May 27, 2021
Photo by Kartik Iyer on Unsplash

Where is that roar
that resides within you
fierce and strong,
bold and brave too

it’s time for it to emerge
so bring it out
and shine the lights,
have not a single doubt

you just underestimate
the power of a single roar
for it shall open
every single door

eyes sharpen and fists clench,
you get ready to show yourself,
get ready to up your game,
the roar shall speak for itself.

you may seem to yourself like you’re weak,
but you, are a fighter.
you were meant to fight this off,
your shoulder will only get lighter

just think for a second
how cool would it be to reach your fame?
and when you beat others
in their own game?

keep going forward, roaring louder and louder,
as you go, patching up every single hole,
keeping your eyes focused,
on your goal.



The Peaceful Wolf

I am a self-taught poet and I write articles about everything self-improvement and psychology related.