Member-only story
Whether You Want To Be A Writer Or Not, So Many Jobs Require That Skill
You better learn what it takes to be a polished writer
Stop dragging your feet on learning a necessary skill. How can you expect people to believe what you have to say if you don’t know how to say the words?
Once you start writing and doing the work, you’ll find that it’s much easier than it seems. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re not a good writer or if you’re not ready to write a book. The only way to get better at anything is by doing it.
You don’t need any fancy qualifications or equipment. No matter your age, experience level, or education — everyone can become a writer if they put their mind to it.
Whether you’re starting your first novel or have a few great ideas for short stories, set down what comes to mind. Put it on paper, in an email, or on an app. You have all the time in the world — so why not start now?
You can’t fake being a good writer
Every time I read a piece from The Atlantic, I have come to expect excellent writing. You can’t fake words with that publication. If you want to be a good writer, read the material there.