Which Languages Should You Learn To Be Successful In 2023?

Chris Soschner
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2022


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Everything I do online, I do in English. Nobody questioned this habit ever since I started writing on the Internet in the early 90s.

Well, until 2020, to be exact. The year that changed everything.

It was in April 2020 when some young people started making fun of me on TikTok because of my heavy Viennese accent and asked.

“Why the hell do you speak English? Don’t you know that you are Austrian?”

These two questions are the friendly version of the many comments I received since the Lockdowns sent the Youngsters in droves to social media.

Sure I know that, but there is a special reason why I use English:

I want to practice the most important language in the world daily.

English opened the door to the world for me in 1993 when the CERN institute put the WWW Protocol into the public domain and made the Internet as we know it today possible.

I speak German as my first language and English and Spanish as my second languages. A bit of Mandarin and Japanese to round it up.

The thing is:

When you want to be successful you…



Chris Soschner

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