Whisper in my mind

Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2020
Photo by Terry Boynton on Unsplash

Sauntering down the memory lane,

whisking through the boulevard of familiar yet unfamiliar memories.

I stumbled upon a young girl, mirroring expressions I couldn’t decipher.

Her mien captivated mine,

hypnotizing me to do thorough scrutiny.

Slamming me with epiphany were her thoughts,

She said, “I wish I was a boy”.

I dared not to ask why.

Deep down I knew why.

My lips went dry,

I let out a long sigh.

Morosely contemplating, I drew a periphery,

making me empathize with her misery.

Wanting to guide her through this mystery,

there was a quick flash of history.

For, I had faced the same agony.

Patriarchal ideologies may inflict envy,

For they had all the liberty.

It was tyranny.

You are as caged in your mind as you want.

Never let anyone tell you, that you can’t.

Don’t confine your imagination

It’s the only way from annihilation,

my mum, my mentor imparted me this education.

Had all those previous generations,

not faced the wrath of discrimination,

they too would have been a pioneer in their own fashion.

Wait, they are pioneers of somewhat eradicating this violation.

We privileged ones owe this to their sacrificed generations.

You can’t escape the dawn,

You no longer have to the pawn.

You are born to be a warrior.

Why want to be a boy when you can be a queen?

Shudder all the prejudices, shredding away the boxes.

Neither can gender define the actions nor specify roles.

You no longer can hide in a shelter of oblivious gender.

Take responsibility for actions,

And repercussions.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

It’s time to take a new slide.





22 | Finance student | Enthralled by energy and curiosity.