Poems on Medium

Whispers of Love and Nature: By My Side

Samuel Aigbotsua
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2023


I want to wake up to the gentle light of dawn and feel the warmth of your embrace as we greet the day.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

I want to stroll through fields of flowers, inhaling their sweet fragrance while holding your hand every step of the way.

I want to sit with you by a babbling brook, listening to the soothing sounds of water and sharing stories we’ve never told.

I want to watch the sunset in a blaze of orange and pink, our heads resting against each other, as we watch the world grow cold.

I want to marvel at the moon and stars and be awed by their beauty and mystery while lying in a grassy field with you by my side.

I want to pray with you, side by side, to our heavenly Father, for the strength to face life’s tumultuous tide.

And every moment of every day, I want to know that you’re there, by my side, through thick and thin, in joy and in strife.

With you by my side, I know that every moment, step, and breath is infused with love, making life worth living.

I want to wake up to the gentle light of dawn and feel the warmth of your embrace as we greet the day.



Samuel Aigbotsua

Interested in all things tech, politics, and finance. I write, read, and code. I am Multifaceted and love poetry.