Who am I?

How does one identify herself?

Shubhangi Narayan
Jun 27, 2024


Picture name: Finding Your Path, Shubhangi Narayan

Someone asked me, “Who are you?”;

And I‘m confused, what to do?

To be one’s sheltered daughter,

Or to be someone new;

How do you choose to be only one,

with dozens of reflected views.

To someone a daughter, and someone a mother;

To some a kind friend, and some a ripper;

To some a protector, to some a pusher;

For some a power, and some a loser.

How to be all, and none of the above;

How to pick one, when unknown is another;

How do I define myself,

when I can’t choose either,

Oh! how difficult it is,

to be a recognized one here.

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Shubhangi Narayan

A Reader, Reviewer, and a Content Writer . Refer me if you like my writing style.