Who Am I?

A Brief Introduction

Simon Spichak


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Hello! My name is Simon, I’m a neuroscientist currently living in Ireland. I’m finishing up a graduate degree studying the ways that the microbes residing in the gut influence our brain and behavior!

When we eat certain foods, the bacteria that reside in our guts metabolizes it, generating metabolic byproducts. I’m interested in some of the molecules that are produced as byproducts in bacteria that could influence the immune system in our brains. I also work with sequencing data, meaning I look at the gene sequences found in poop on the computer. It involves a lot of problem-solving, statistics, and coffee.

I’m absolutely fascinated by the natural world! I find meaning by learning, studying, and solving problems about something that piques my curiosity! I especially enjoy feeding birds, watching raccoons, and getting lost on remote trails. In addition to preserving the biodiversity of microbes within our guts, it is crucial to preserve it in the world as a whole.

I love spreading excitement about all things science. I’ve done stand-up comedy about my science a few times. I’ve presented my research within a pub setting. I’ve even lead children through a giant inflatable gastrointestinal tract. I was fortunate enough to distill my field of research into a few minutes, winning the Irish FameLab competition. Take a…

