Who Are We?

Have You Ever Seen Your True Self?

Jamen Mendes


When you look at your body, do you see yourself? Do you believe this is you? Truly? No. This is not who you are. You are not the skin, the flesh, the form that you are seeing with your eyes.

Art by the Author, created using Leonardo.Ai

When you feel your body, do you believe this is really who you are; a person made of flesh and bones? No. This is also a false perception of your Being.

When you hear someone call your name, do you believe they are really calling you? Does your name encompass your Being? No.

Who Are We?
What is the essence of our being? If we’re not our body, our presence and our names, then who are we?

We have been misguided. We’re living a lie. We’re not forms. We’re not perceptible via our five senses. The essence of our “Being” cannot be perceived via crude senses such as the eye, the ear, the touch, and so on. These physical senses are limited to the lower vibrations of our omnipresence. They do not provide us any access to our true essence — our Spirit/Soul!

Our True Self
We are not the perceived. We are the Perceiver! We are the Being doing the perception. We’re not that which is perceived or the sensory information being transmitted to our faculties of perception. We are the Power — the Neter — the Awareness doing the perception!



Jamen Mendes

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality. https://jamenmendes.medium.com/membership